invitation team outing

An invitation for a company outing or relationship day can easily be done via a card from an expensive printing company. But if you really want to impress your staff, an original and unique invitation is the way to go. An original invitation does not have to be expensive. What matters is that the invitation is surprising and eye-catching. It conveys the message in a unique way, which immediately attracts attention.





Separate event invitations

There are plenty of options for company outing invitations that go beyond a traditional card. A distinct invitation can start with a small effect, such as a turn card which you can fold endlessly. The shape of the card can also be different, for example a Pop-up Cube jumping out of the envelope. This kind of invitation is guaranteed to stand out among the mail and immediately catch the recipient's attention.



How do you draft an invitation? 

1. Keep the text simple and powerful

"Also come to the outing of the year"

2. Give a short introduction

Explain what is happening that day with a short programme. For example, "Welcome to our corporate event 2023 ......."

3. Mention the sender

Put your company's logo, contact details and any social media accounts on the invitation

4. Location and times

Clearly indicate where and when the event will take place.

"The company outing will take place on 12 June at 18.00 in the centre of Utrecht. If you cannot attend, please inform your manager in good time."

5. Target group of the event

Specify who will be invited. Are these just employees, or also customers and other relations? Also mention any special guests or bands on your company outing invitation.

"For all employees of [company], we organised a company outing."

6. Special promotions or prizes

Mention any special promotions, such as a competition or Facebook action for extra exposure

"A prize will be raffled off during the company outing..."

7. Guest speakers

Introduce special speakers with a photo and reference to their website.

"At the event, [name] from [company/sector] will be present.


Order and ship on time

Order the invitations for the company outing on time so that there is room for a proof. Make sure the addresses of the invitees are in an Excel file so that they can be printed directly on the envelopes. This saves time and effort when writing addresses manually.

Send out the invitations about 2 to 3 months in advance, so that people have enough time to keep their calendars free. Always order more invitations than you think you will need, so you can invite extra people if necessary.

With these tips and an original invitation, you will ensure that your company outing or relationship day is a success and everyone looks forward to the event!