Royal Canin has the Wing card used as a direct mail invitation. They have chosen to use this card to invite people to a lecture. The entire map measures 37.3 x 9 cm. The Wings Card can also be used for other (communication) purposes, for example as an advertisement for a new product.
On the outside of the card you see the Royal Canin logo and the text: 'invitation'. For both the design of the card and the envelope, Royal Canin has added their well-known corporate identity. They mainly used the colors red, black and white. As a result, the invitation has become 1 whole. As soon as you open the envelope, the 'wings' slide out of the card. On those wings you see information about the lectures, such as who will give the lecture, what the lecture is about and what time the lecture will take place. In addition, it is also indicated how you can register yourself for the event.

The sliding card of this direct mail invitation offers the possibility to convey more information than on a regular card. The slide card is double printed with the company logo on one side and the information about the lectures on the other side.