The Municipality of Dordrecht has the Memory Card as Direct mail used. They have chosen to use the Memory Card as a reminder for the residents of the municipality of Dordrecht. The card measures 4 x 4 cm. The Memory Card can of course also be used for other (communication) purposes, for example to provide extra information about a new product.

On the outside of the card you see the logo of the municipality of Dordrecht. Above it is the text 'What makes invoicing a success?'. The municipality of Dordrecht has clearly reflected their house style on this map. They mainly use the colors: Blue, red, white and black. If you open the Memory direct mail at the bottom you will see that it is filled with memory cards. These memory cards contain facts and tips about invoice handling at the municipality of Dordrecht. The house style of the municipality of Dordrecht is also well presented on the memory cards themselves. that ensures that the product as a whole fits together perfectly!

The card of this memory direct mail provides the opportunity to transfer important information in a fun way. The memory card is printed on one side with the logo of the municipality of Dordrecht on the outside and the contents of the indicated memory cards.