original business invitation

Ideas for an original business invitation

Do you have an event, trade fair or special occasion on the agenda? Perhaps you are opening new business premises or launching a new branch. Whatever the occasion, you obviously want to involve the right relations. The first step towards a successful event starts with sending an original business invitation. Here are some creative ideas:



Pop-up Cube as invitation

A Pop-up cube is a particularly effective way to attract the attention of your guests. As soon as the recipient opens the envelope, the cube literally pops out of the packaging, creating a surprising and playful moment. This interactive element makes the invitation not only eye-catching, but also memorable.

Provide a personal touch

The original business invitation should match the company. Therefore, use the colours of your logo, font and other elements of your corporate identity. This ensures recognisability and a personal touch.

Creative and unforgettable invitations

Besides the Pop-up Cube, there are other original options such as confetti cards or music cards. These eye-catching forms of direct mail create spectacle and stick in the memory of the recipient.

Keep it short and sweet

Make sure your invitation is inspiring and informative. without too much text. Keep it short and concise and give just the right amount of information so the recipient knows what to expect. Visual elements and good design make the information clear and effective.

Don't reveal everything

For events such as product launches or openings, you don't need to reveal everything in the invitation. Use the invitation as a teaser to arouse curiosity. However, you can give a hint by giving some hints.

Make an impression with an original invitation

A sound card, for example, is a special way to attract attention and will not soon be forgotten. Need advice? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you create an original and effective business invitation.