When you are going to introduce a new product, you naturally want many people to be informed about it. One way in which the recipient can no longer ignore this news is by sending an original form of direct mailing. An example of such a mailing is the mega spring cube. When opening the envelope, the cube will jump in the air, which immediately provides attention value. In this blog you can read how Samsung has applied this direct mailing.
Samsung's product introduction
In collaboration with KPN Samsung this mega jump cube, also called Out of the Box, used as a product introduction. The new product, a smartphone, the brand name and a slogan are incorporated on the spring cube. The slogan associated with this campaign is ''Ready to break the rules?'', which fits well with the effect of the spring cube. This ''breaks'' out of the envelope, which causes a jumping effect. The cube therefore fits in perfectly with the campaign for this new product.

Mega Jump cube
A spring cube is a striking form of direct mailing, but this mega variant takes it a step further. The size of the mega spring cube is 150x150x150mm. The direct mailing is sent in a full color printed envelope. This can be completely designed in the style of the cube. It is also possible to have the envelope printed on both sides, so that there is still room for a text on the inside.

Want to send a striking mailing with this mega spring cube? Then request a no-obligation quote quotation which we will send to you as soon as possible. It is also possible to experience the product yourself sample box to request. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at contact@locomail.nl or 030 – 26 18 086. We are happy to help you produce and send your original direct mail!