Home » Direct mail examples » Direct Mail Examples: Turning Card

Turning Card direct mailing cases

The Turning Card is a mailing product with a unique folding method. Your relationship will discover a new piece of your communication message after each fold. LocoMail can offer the Turning Card in different formats. This way you can choose which format best suits you and your message. On this page you will find a collection of direct mail examples from our customers.

A folding card in its own unique shape!
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

A folding card in its own unique shape!

The unique Turning Card is available in every conceivable form, such as this Klapkaart for Douwe Egberts. A folding card is a...
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Klapkaart mailing, initiated by Self.
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Klapkaart mailing, initiated by Self.

A Klapkaart mailing is a mailing where maximum space is created for communicative purposes on a small surface. The Fold Card...
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Relocation card company via Turning Card
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Relocation card company via Turning Card

Is your company moving soon and do you need a Relocation card company? Then read on. An example of such...
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Specially developed Round Turning Card Rabobank
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Specially developed Round Turning Card Rabobank

Continuously attracting the attention of your recipient, how do you ensure this? Rabobank did it with the Ronde Turning Card. Why...
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