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Examples Pop-up cards

The Pop-up card looks like a simple card when folded, but it is anything but simple. When you open this card, a three-dimensional pop-up unfolds with your message. The pop-up is incorporated on the card itself, where you have enough space to provide all the necessary information. LocoMail offers a standard shape, but it is possible to incorporate your own desired shape into the card.

Below you will find successful customer cases of companies that have used the Pop-up card as a DM product.

SAP's Pop-up Card as a special invitation
Case Cases Last added Pop-up Card

SAP's Pop-up Card as a special invitation

SAP, in collaboration with Engie and Ernst & Young, invites a select group of people to the EMEA North Executive...
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V-fold card as an invitation to a golf event
Case Cases Last added Pop-up Card

V-fold card as an invitation to a golf event

The 10th edition of the PAR3 golf day will take place on May 26. The event is organized annually by PAR3. A...
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Creative print, the Pop-up Card, for the Bee Gees musical: Night Fever
Case Cases Last added Pop-up Card

Creative print, the Pop-up Card, for the Bee Gees musical: Night Fever

Commissioned by Nostalgie, we have printed a Pop-up Card for the musical Night Fever by the Bee Gees. night...
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Business direct mailing Pop-up Card from the Housing Fund
Cases Last added Pop-up Card

Business direct mailing Pop-up Card from the Housing Fund

The Housing Fund has chosen to have us make a Pop-up Card about the renovation bucket. This is a...
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