Turning Card 100x210 mm
You can use this unique Turning Card in many different ways. At 100 x 210 millimetres, the card is a handy size for various messages. For example, you can use the Turning Card to hand out at a trade fair. The recipients will then receive a card with a cool effect and an informative message! What more could you want? This mailing consists of four pages that you can fill with information, but also with personal texts. Placing an image is also possible. It is also possible to have an envelope made in full colour, matching your Turning Card.
Product details Turning Card 10 x 21 cm
- The size of the Turning Card is 100 mm by 210 mm
- A nice giveaway at a fair, for example
- You can fill four pages with texts and/or images
- We can address your mailing at an additional cost. We will then process the name and address details on the envelope.
- If desired, we can send your eye-catching mailing. Depending on the product, quantity and lead time, we can determine which shipping service suits you best.
- The attention value of this Turning Card is high!

Examples of successful Turning Card Mailings
Turning Card direct mail as business information for Reinaerdt
By Locomail
/ 13 October 2020
Reinaerdt has chosen to use this Turning Card to tell a little more about their company and where...
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A folding card in its own unique shape!
By Locomail
/ 27 August 2020
The unique Turning Card is available in every conceivable form, such as this Klapkaart for Douwe Egberts. A folding card is a...
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Klapkaart mailing, initiated by Self.
By Locomail
/ 17 August 2020
A Klapkaart mailing is a mailing where maximum space is created for communicative purposes on a small surface. The Fold Card...
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Specially developed Round Turning Card Rabobank
By Locomail
/ 8 May 2020
Continuously attracting the attention of your recipient, how do you ensure this? Rabobank did it with the Ronde Turning Card. Why...
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