Funny team outing invitation

Funny invitation for a team outing

You must see this funny invitation for a team outing A team outing is quite underestimated these days. This also includes the funny team outing invitation that can be linked to it. A team outing not only ensures team building in the workplace, employees can also get to know each other outside of work. After all just...


Successful mailing campaign for Houtkamp College!

Successful mailing campaign for Houtkamp College! At LocoMail, we are proud of the effective mailing campaign we developed for Houtkamp College's open day. This campaign aimed to inform potential students and their parents about the school's unique benefits and get them excited during...

invitation team outing

Tips for making a company outing invitation

An invitation for a company outing or relationship day can easily be done via a card from an expensive printing company. But if you really want to impress your staff, an original and unique invitation is the way to go. An original invitation doesn't have to be expensive. What matters is that the invitation...


Half a century of Hollander Techniek: the big anniversary year!

Half a century of Hollander Techniek: the big anniversary year! In the world of groundbreaking technology and innovation, Hollander Techniek has been at the top for almost half a century. With their 49th anniversary in sight, they wanted not only to celebrate this milestone, but also to make a promising announcement for the coming celebration year. September...


Bloom test in style: Royal Van Zanten and LocoMail

Blooming in style: Royal Van Zanten and LocoMail In the colourful world of floriculture and flower innovation, Royal Van Zanten has been known as a thriving company since 1862. They proudly supply an extensive range of cut flowers, potted plants and bulbs worldwide. To make their latest bloom test of chrysanthemums unforgettable,...


O2 Communications sends an oil ball of appreciation!

O2 Communications sends an oliebol of appreciation! In the bustling city of Utrecht, O2 Communications chose a remarkable way to end the year. As the end of the year approached, they wanted not only to express their appreciation to their valued associates, but also to add a cheerful touch to the upcoming festive season. The...


From concept to reality: XYZ Creative Agency and LocoMail

From concept to reality: XYZ Creative Agency and LocoMail In 2023, the companies Maasdam and Knauf decided to collaborate on a new project: offering raised floors. These floors provide space for, for example, the installation of electricity, data and ventilation and installation facilities under the tiles. To deliver this news in a creative and...


Successful cooperation between LocoMail and Arkel1000 Foundation

Successful cooperation between LocoMail and Arkel1000 Foundation In 2023, the charming village of Arkel celebrated its impressive 1040th anniversary. To celebrate this special anniversary grandly, the Arkel1000 Foundation decided to organise a nine-day celebration week. With an imposing marquee as the focal point, numerous activities were organised for young and...


A unique cycling adventure with Deceuninck and LocoMail.

A unique cycling adventure with Deceuninck and LocoMail. In the world of frame and door solutions, Deceuninck has established itself as a reliable global partner. For Deceuninck, a progressive company, this marked a new era with their sponsorship project with the famous cycling team Alpecin: Deceuninck - Alpecin. To spread this remarkable news and the enthusiasm...

Customer loyalty

customer loyalty

Increase customer loyalty with direct mailing: Examples from LocoMail At a time when competition between companies is fiercer than ever before, customer loyalty is crucial for retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. An effective way to increase customer loyalty is through direct mailing....

Building customer loyalty

Customer loyalty

Building customer loyalty with direct mailing One of the main challenges for any business is customer retention. A good customer retention strategy is essential for the growth and success of any business. One of the ways to achieve customer retention is through direct mailing. LocoMail is a company that specialises in...


Realize retention with Direct Mailing

Achieving Retention with Direct Mailing In a world where we are inundated with digital communication every day, direct mailing can be an effective way to stand out and grab the attention of your customers. But how do you ensure that your mailing is not only read, but also analysed...

Business communication

Improve business communication with LocoMail

Improving business communication with LocoMail Sending direct mail is an effective way to improve business communication. Direct mail is used to send a personalized message that is specifically targeted to the recipient's needs and expectations. It is an effective way to communicate with the...

writing direct mail

Write direct mail? Start with these 3 tips:

Write direct mail? Start with these 3 tips: Sending a direct mail can be difficult, because before it reaches the recipient of the direct mail, a major process has already been completed. What makes a direct mail successful and how can you make a direct mail...

4 original direct mail examples

4 original direct mail examples

4 original direct mail examples A direct mail is something you see more and more lately, it is a form of advertising your company in a creative way. By using original direct mail, you ensure that the mailing with your company name and the message...

direct mail costs

What direct mailing costs should you consider?

What direct mailing costs should you consider? If you are planning to use direct mail for your company to increase your visibility or to thank business relations in an original way for the great cooperation, you have come to the right place at Locomail. In our catalogue...

4 tips for a fun mailing

4 tips for a fun mailing

4 tips for a fun mailing Stand out, stand out and stand out… The constant challenge of every company. The answer to the question: "How do I stand out with my company?" is: Use a fun mailing. Fortunately, Locomail is the right place for fun mailing. Read our tips below! The message...

original business invitation

Ideas for an original business invitation

Ideas for an original business invitation Do you have an event, trade fair or special occasion on the agenda? Perhaps you are opening new business premises or launching a new branch. Whatever the occasion, you obviously want to involve the right relations. The first step towards a successful event starts with...

Direct marketing examples

Good direct marketing? This is how you do it!

Good direct marketing? This is how you do it! In today's blog you can read some examples of direct marketing that you should know if they are worth it. After all, how do you properly apply that direct marketing in a period where economic conditions are developing at a frantic pace?...

Example mailing new customers

Examples of mailing for new customers

Examples of mailing for new customers If you are looking for great ideas to reach new customers, you can get started with a mailing. If you look at a nice example for new customers, you can, for example, look at a change card. Also a...

Case Direct Mailing Spring Cube Jobmatch

5 direct mailing tips for success

5 direct mailing tips for success Do you want to get started with direct mailing? Then it is important to know how to approach this. That is why it is useful to include some direct mailing tips in this. For example, it is smart to see if you have a...

What is direct mail

What is direct mail and when do you use it?

What is direct mail and when do you use it? What is Direct Mail? It is a question that can arise when you get started with different marketing techniques. After all, you ultimately want the best for your company. Then using the post can be a good idea. It...

What is Direct Marketing?

What is Direct Marketing? We explain

What is Direct Marketing? We explain If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, marketing is an important link. This is possible, for example, with direct marketing. But what is direct marketing? This is a logical question when you are not familiar with this industry. It is also called push marketing or…

Mailing example

A nice mailing example that you don't want to miss

A nice mailing example that you don't want to miss A personal approach to customers and prospects is very important in every industry. Direct mail is an excellent way to reach a large group of recipients with the same message quickly and in a controlled manner. This allows you to personalize it and make your customers feel…

DM's meaning

The DM meaning and what does it mean?

The DM meaning and what does it mean? Direct mail is a form of physical direct marketing in which you reach (potential) customers by post yourself. Usually by post or card, but there are also more surprising options for direct mail. When sending a package, there is, by way of...

invitation team outing

The best invitation for your team outing

The best invitation for your team outing Team building is considerably underestimated. Why? You spend most of the week together with your colleagues on the work floor. You have a lot in common. Then it's nice that you know each other and know where everyone's interests lie. The build up to...

Direct mail examples

3 good direct mailing examples

3 good direct mailing examples We would like to give you 3 good examples of direct mailing. But before we can tell you more about this, it is nice to first know what direct mailing actually is. When we talk about direct mailing, it becomes a form of…

Case Direct Mailing Pop Up Spring Cube Jobmatch

Jobmatch uses pop-up jumping cube to inform business customers

Last month, temporary employment and secondment organization Jobmatch used our bestseller, the pop-up jumping cube, to inform their customers. In this blog you can read how we designed the pop-up jumping cube for them. Jobmatch is a specialized temporary employment and secondment organization that supplies temporary workers to companies. The company is based in Belgium. She...

Case Direct Mailing Video Card Canon

Canon uses video card as direct mail

It is common knowledge that we absorb visual information faster than text. A video is therefore a strong means of conveying a message. At the beginning of this year, we incorporated this form of content into a video card for Canon. In this blog you can read the possibilities of the video card...

Case Direct Mailing Twin Slider Slide-out card The Rijks VMBO Campus

The Rijks VMBO campus

To inform the recipients about a move, the Rijks VMBO campus has had the Twin Slider Slide Card made. The Rijks VMBO campus has chosen to use this informative mailing, so that they can easily convey their information to the recipient. The Twin slider Sliding card...

Case Direct Mailing Out of the Box Pop Up Kubus FleuraMetz

Mega Pop-up Cube to support marketing and communication plan

As an employee of a marketing and communication department, you are responsible, among other things, for the activities related to a certain brand. The balance is drawn up at the end of the year; which activities work? What has been invested in marketing and communication activities? And what have they actually achieved? It...

Direct Mailing Mailbox

The importance of printing

The newsletter of PrintMediaNieuws contained an article about the first edition of the Doordrop Media Congress in Amsterdam. During this congress, marketing via the letterbox was revived and put on the map. With the conclusion: everyone reads folders and direct mailings, but it is all allowed...


Direct mail advertising reach higher than with other media

The average percentage that views or reads direct mail is 55%, according to a study on direct mail by MetrixLab commissioned by PostNL. Direct mail advertising reach is therefore a lot higher than, for example, an email. The figures also show that if you want to focus on a specific...


How do you organize a good business anniversary?

Organising a business anniversary is not easy. Everyone is watching you and interfering. Also, many things need to be arranged at the same time. The chances of forgetting something are therefore high. That is why we have some rules and tips to make it a top party! Rule...


Marketing tip number 1: Attract attention!

Attracting attention is the most important thing if you want to bind customers to you. You can email, but that will disappear in the spam. You can make an advertisement on TV, but people skip over it. What does work is effective direct mailing, where you send a striking item of mail to your customers. This...


What is effective direct mail?

Effective direct mail is mail that you know the recipient will open, read and respond to. For example, an invitation to a conference, where 80% reads the invitation and 75% registers. Direct mail can also be part of a campaign. Direct mail is then an indispensable addition to media efforts...


Why Pinterest and other SEO social media

Pinterest is a digital bulletin board where you 'pin' your interests. You can compare it to a mood board. But why would you as a company stand in between? As a company, you can easily share images of your products with the world. For example, do you have eye-catching, unique or best-selling products? Put them...


Digital marketing is overrated, paper underestimated

Direct mailing appears to be more popular than e-mail marketing, according to research into direct marketing by the British research agency Fast.Map. The survey surveyed 1,140 UK consumers and 353 marketers. The survey also showed that consumers prefer to receive offers by post (33%) rather than via social media or SMS (only...


Direct Mail Locomix releases new videos

Direct mailing company Locomix posted many new videos on its youtube channel last month. “Because we have separate products, we want to visually explain to people what the products look like,” says owner Martijn Feenstra. Direct Mail is sending targeted, eye-catching mail to (potential) customers, relations or employees. Because...


Why create a YouTube channel?

Not every company yet understands the importance of its own YouTube channel. While with 1 billion visitors per month, it is the most visited website on the internet after Google. More than 65,000 videos are posted on YouTube every day. So it's time to create your own YouTube channel! YouTube has more than...


5 tips for good direct mailing

Email has long been the magic word for marketers. But now that the inbox is overflowing with newsletters, updates and vague emails, more and more companies are choosing to use direct mailing. Direct mailing is the targeted sending of invitations to (potential) customers, employees or other interested parties. The direct mailing often consists of a...


Direct mail addition to CRM and Direct Marketing

Direct mailing is the targeted sending of personalized mail to customers, relations or employees. This can be a perfect addition to your CRM strategy or Direct Marketing. CRM Customer relationship management or CRM (also 'customer relationship management', sometimes 'relationship marketing' or 'sales management system') focuses on the customer. CRM is about strengthening relationships, teaching your customers...


Create promotional material

As a company, you can easily print promotional material for a trade fair, event or event at LocoMail. Printing promotional material can consist of printing free give aways or creating original mailings. Promotional material printed Various give aways (promotional material that you give away for free) can be printed with a logo, text and slogan. Think...


Advantages of print versus a printing company

Read all about the advantages of print compared to a printing company below. Nowadays, professional printers have such a high quality that in many cases a printing company is no longer necessary. Moreover, at a print-to-print company it is possible to work with small print runs, to personalize mailings and to deliver with a short delivery time.


What is direct mailing by post?

Direct mailing by post is sending a message to a specific address. So no unaddressed advertising material, but a specific invitation for customers, relations or employees of a company. Direct mail by mail is the oldest of the three and the most highly regarded. Direct mailing is also called direct marketing, direct mail...

Case Direct Mailing Crowns Custom Made

Using Queen's Day for marketing

A company that does not make use of Queen's Day is missing a golden opportunity. Almost every Dutch person loves this day, if only because we are collectively free from work. A good opportunity to do something fun for your customers and to advertise. It's up to you...


How and why innovate as a company

It is a crisis and for some managers that means that they are keeping their purse strings. Wrong! It is precisely in economically uncertain times that you have to stand out from the crowd. You bring in customers with unique and original products or services. Time to innovate! 5 tips to innovate: 1. Take young staff...


Customer is at the center of marketing

The customer should be central, thinks almost 50% of the marketeers. This is the conclusion of a Berenschot Marketing Trend Survey in which more than 350 marketers participated. Compared to 2012, 'Customer focus' - now in 1st place - and 'Social Media' - now in 2nd place - switched places. Just like in...


Free products as give aways

Free products, that always appeals to the Dutch! But for a company to give away free stuff for fun would be a bit strange. However, printed products are ideal marketing and promotional material. LocoMail makes various give aways, which can be ordered per 25 pieces. There are various printed business gifts,...