Last May we produced a sound card for podcast 'Doe mee met Aimy'. This is the first ever interactive adventure podcast for kids. The result was a cheerfully colored card with a sound fragment in which robot Aimy talks about the podcast. Would you like to know more about this case and our cards with sound? Then read on quickly.

Sander Denneman is the creator of podcast 'Doe mee met Aimy'. He wanted to do something with the fact that children cannot sit still. Robot Aimy encourages children in the podcast to actively participate. Through our cards with sound was promoting the podcast. The Music Card with sound was a perfect match for the podcast, because sound plays an important role in a podcast.
The square was chosen Music card of 147×147 mm. The cards with sound contain a sound chip that is activated when the card is opened. The sound exits from the back of the card through the speaker holes. The sound element ensures that an extra sense is involved in the experience. This makes the cards with sound a unique direct mailing.
A voice message from Aimy was incorporated into the Join Aimy card. In it she told about the podcast and explained that you can open the podcast using the QR code. The QR code could be found on the inside of the card. The card also contained cheerful colors that immediately made it stand out. The front featured robot Aimy with the text "Join Aimy!"

Different maps with sound
As for the cards with sound, you can choose from different types. In addition to the 147x147mm version, we also have a A5 Music Card, An Pop-up Music card and a Triptych Music card. We have a suitable Music Card for every occasion.
Does this direct mail product sound like music to your ears? Then ask for one without obligation quotation On. Would you like to know more about the possibilities of the cards with sound? Take it easy Contact with us. Do you prefer a card without sound? Then view the overview page with our other direct mail products. Or request one without obligation sample box with samples of your choice.