A new product, in this case a new teaching package, must of course be brought to the attention of (potential) customers. It is important that the message not only reaches the target group, but is actually read. This can be achieved with an effective mailing in the form of a sliding card. With this card you not only attract attention, but also hold it. In this blog you can read how LocoMail has developed a mailing for Noordhoff.
Striking announcement of German teaching package
Noordhoff has a new German lesson package that they wanted to bring to the attention. They did this through a slide card, also called Twin Slider. This sliding card has two panels, which can be slid out from both sides. The card has been sent to teachers. To get as much response as possible from the direct mailing, a QR code has also been incorporated on the card, which leads directly to the website of the new teaching package. Additional information about this new lesson can be found here.

All possibilities of the sliding card
The sliding card is really a card with which the recipient will be positively surprised. When the receiver pulls the right panel, a panel appears on the other side at the same time. There is a lot of space on the card for information, because the card can be printed in full color on no less than six different surfaces, including the sleeve.

Would you like to make your own announcement with a sliding card? Then ask one quotation to see what we can do for you. If you are not completely convinced yet, you can also buy one sample box to request. In this way you will receive one or more samples, so that you can view the card in real life. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us on 030 – 26 18 086 or contact@locomail.nl.