For PSP Communications, a corporate brochure has been given a different look than usual. A Turning Card in the shape of a cake, which will attract and hold the recipient's attention. The card does not need to contain much information as the design is self-explanatory. How exactly did they handle this? You can read that in this blog.
Corporate brochure of PSP Communications
The corporate brochure is made in the shape of a cake. Why? Because in this way the message of PSP Communications can be conveyed with little text. The cake, with 8 different pieces, symbolizes all the skills the company offers. In this way, the recipient immediately knows what the company can do for. The accompanying sentence '' 'Would you like a full cake or just a piece?'' fits in well with the design. If the recipient wishes to contact the company directly, this can be done via the contact details that are also included in the card.
The card has been sent to potential customers in both the Netherlands and Belgium. Because French is partly spoken in Belgium, two different versions of the map have been made: one in French and one in Dutch. In this way, the target group has been properly addressed and the response of the direct mailing will be as high as possible.

Round Turning Card
For this customer is a round turning card used, but this directlyt mailing is available in various shapes and sizes. The special thing about this card is that it can rotate indefinitely. This interaction will hold the recipient's attention longer than with a normal card. In addition, the design of the card immediately catches the eye, because this is not a usual shape.

Do you also want to use a Turning Card for your company? Please contact us at
or 030 – 26 18 086 It is also possible to order a sample box or a quotation of the Turning Card.