Example: A Unique Tinned LocoMail Invitation
To invite customers and relations to the opening of a new jewelry store, Do Company opted for LocoMail's BliQje pull-open on behalf of jeweler van Willegen. This product is unique, but in the end it was decided to give this unique invitation a twist. Do Company had a very cool idea.
A unique invitation: 't BliQje
The BliQje, which normally already stands out in the mail, has been made even more striking in collaboration with LocoMail by providing the BliQje with a label that covers the entire BliQje. Not only a label on the top, but also the long and short sides were stickered.
This resulted in a very luxurious appearance, and a unique invitation that fits the image of jeweler van Willegen. Because it BliQje was completely closed, the recipients had to make extra effort to get the message out of the BliQje. This resulted in a higher involvement in reading the invitation.
LocoMail has been providing original direct mailings for 10 years. We have the necessary expertise to get a return from a mailing for you as well. We are happy to think along with you to come up with an original direct mailing.
Have we aroused your curiosity? Request a free demo of the BliQje or our top 10 mailing products